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Classroom Connections

The Sabo Center is a resource for educators at Augsburg University. We consult on bringing community-based resources into your classroom or program, and provide resources, training, and guidance on civic frameworks, experiential education, public work, engaged scholarship, and more.

Civic Practices and Public Work

Democracy is the everyday work of people innovating together to solve shared problems. Bring civic practices such as one-to-one relational meetings, organizing basics, and more to your students by connecting them with a scheduled workshop. The Sabo Center is also available to set up a workshop specifically for courses or events of 15 students or more. Read more about our workshop offerings or contact Elaine Eschenbacher ( for more information.

Community-Based Learning

Every year, numerous courses at Augsburg include an experiential learning component that connects students with community organizations through research, field trips, guest speakers, service learning, and public impact projects. These deliberately chosen experiences are guided by principles of mutual benefit for students and the community, and are designed collaboratively with campus and community partners. Many of these experiences may be part of a student’s Augsburg Experience. The Sabo Center also offers a student orientation for students going out into the community to do project or service learning work.

Wondering what’s possible during a global pandemic? Consider how to engage safely during COVID-19 and check out this list of local ways to get involved personally or as a class or group.

Learn more about what to consider when designing community-based learning opportunities.

What’s a public impact project? What does community-based learning look like? Learn more about what we mean when we say community-based learning.

Looking for ideas for planning community-based or experiential learning in your course? Check out this library guide on experiential education.

Consult with Director for Community Engagement Mary Laurel True to get started (

Experiential Education

In collaboration with partners from across campus, Sabo Center staff led a university-wide initiative in 2017-2018 to examine Augsburg’s signature experiential education practices. One of the results of this work was a website with a variety of resources for instructors seeking to learn more about experiential education strategies, course design, and more. Visit the experiential education website to learn more about the history of experiential education at Augsburg, strategies for employing experiential education, an up-to-date resource list, and more.

Visit the Office of Academic Affairs page for resources on Augsburg Experience.


The Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship has created a variety of materials to support the theoretical and practical work of democracy. Browse our published work.

Assessing for Civic Outcomes

Check out the AAC&U VALUE Rubric for Civic Engagement and the Augsburg co-curricular learning outcomes rubrics, which include civic engagement outcomes.

Get In Touch

Our staff is always interested in making connections and finding new ways to collaborate. Contact us.